Technical Support

We are here to help. If you have a question, reach out to us for support. We are available on Facebook, Twitter, Phone, or Chat. Whether it is a new feature, learning how to use AVSnap or reporting bugs, we are ready to help you.
Contact AVSnap support by e-mail:
The fastest way to get support for AVSnap is to use our online forum. This forum is monitored on Monday through Friday from 6am to 6pm.
Please make sure to download the latest version of AVSnap. We constantly update AVSnap with bug fixes and additional features.
1. Language Support
AVSnap offers 7 different languages. We constantly working on additional languages to add to AVSnap capabilities. The language editor is part of the AVSnap and can be used to create file for any language. If your language is not available, use create new language function to start generating manus in your native language.
2. Library Support
AVSnap engineers are not involved in designing libraries. They only design libraries for Altinex Inc. It is up to a specific manufacturer to create their own libraries and send them to AVSnap for posting. If you have created a library that you believe can be used by others, consider contributing that library for general use by other AVSnap users.
3. Spelling Dictionaries Support
AVSnap offers spelling dictionaries for 14 languages. English language is supplied with the AVSnap download. Other languages can be downloaded on demand from “Change Language” menu in AVSnap.
4. Password Unlock Support
AVSnap is not in business of unlocking files that were locked with password. However we will provide help to legitimate users with this dilemma for a fixed fee of US $75.
5. AV Design Support
If you need help in designing system and deciding on which products to use, please contact Altinex Inc. Their experienced technical support personnel will be able to assist you with this request.
6. AVSnap Bugs Support
If you think you found a bug within AVSnap, please report it on the AVSnap Forum. This is the fastest way for us to provide you with a solution or work around. Any requests by e-mail will typically get response in 3-5 days.
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