
AVSnap has eight modes of operation. Each mode is designed to simplify AV design process. AVSnap combines many functions together under one integrated design environment. With these impressive capabilities, any project can be completed on time and with confidence. Download your copy and try it today.

Project Mode

Project Mode is a default mode when AVSnap starts up. In this mode a project is started and initial drawings are created. The page size is always defaults to the last page size used. The title bar of the program always displays the mode of operation.

Library Mode

In Library mode, the user can modify existing or create new library symbols. This mode is similar to Project mode but provides additional tools for snap point creation. Library mode is entered by selecting Edit Library or New Library menu.

Read only Mode

Read only mode is used when a project is Password protected. In this mode, the user can review the project but is not able to modify it. In Read Only mode, pages marked as hidden during the design process are not shown. If the project is marked to expire on a certain date, user will not be able to open it after that date. Pages can be marked not to be protected in Read Only mode. This allows users to modify unprotected pages and keep the rest of the pages protected.

presentation Mode

This mode allows to present Power Point type presentations. The mode is entered by using “F5” shortcut and is exited by using “ESC” key. During the presentation, the displayed image can be zoomed in or out using scroll wheel and can be panned using right mouse button. To advance between slides several shortcuts are available.

control Mode

This mode is entered when the page format is set to pixels. In this mode, user interface can be designed and executed. Additional tools become available to create buttons, slides, progress bar, COM ports, TCP/IP ports, and more. All tools are also available to enhance user interface. All active symbols can be built using these tools. Programming logic can be associated with each active symbols to send and receive commands through RS-232 port or TCP/IP ports.

control run Mode

This mode is entered by pressing “F9” or selecting option on Page Setup to start automatically when file is opened. In this mode only Control pages are available and all user interface is fully operational. This mode allows the user to run application in 1:1 pixel resolution or as a movable window.

communication Mode

This mode allows user to communicate with or test AV equipment using a standard terminal interface. In addition a notepad is provided to write programs that later can be transmitted to the controlled device. The display can be presented in ASCII or hex format. This mode also interfaces with the Library symbols and displays information from library symbols in a separate window. This information may contain programming commands and additional help text.

flow chart Mode

This mode allows user to create process Flow Charts. This mode is entered by selecting the Rectangle or Ellipse object and pressing shortcut “S.” The blue snap points on these objects indicate that you are in Flow chart mode.

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