AVSnap Download Instructions
Select File to download AVSnap
Download Executable or Zipped file. Some browsers will not allow to download executable files. Windows has a built in un-zip utility that will open compressed .zip files. For best results uninstall any previously installed versions of AVSnap Software.

To uninstall previous versions, go to Start ->All Programs ->AVSnap->Uninstall AVSnap.
To clear all previous settings and set up factory default start AVSnap and then click on Menu-> Reset all Defaults.

This file contains a full install with libraries and help files. It is recommended to be downloaded when doing installation the first time. Once installed, the AVSnap will check for the latest updates and will notify you if additional downloads are required.
After installation is completed go to Menu -> Reset all defaults. This will complete the installation.
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Save Your Time And Effort And Start Using AVSnap To Control Your AV System